So I am 18 weeks and 5 days pregnant!! Its been an interesting experience! We go in 8 days to do the ultra sound... might just be able to find out what the sex of the baby is! I had a scare yesterday... thought there could be something wrong with the baby so Armond and I went to Urgent Care. All is good with the baby and me. They checked the baby's heartbeat which was nice and reassuring to hear. So many changes when you are pregnant... no more drinking whatever you want, you experience symptoms that you have never before had, your on an emotional roller coaster, your body is no longer just yours. I have experienced morning sickness through my first 3 months, food aversion on top of that... just glad that I am out of the first trimester!! I had to eat something constantly... not a lot just snacks here and there... but it was hard because I didn't have an appetite. If I didn't eat I would get sick... so my best friends were pretzels, animal crackers, water and milk! Now that we are past the first trimester I can actually eat!! So many people are pregnant right now and no one seems to worry as much as I do. I guess maybe its because I always thought that once I finally decided that it was time to start having children, I would have trouble conceiving. Then when we decided to try, it happened faster than I expected. So it was like can this be too good to be true? I worry all the time. Am I eating right, am I eating enough, am I drinking enough water, will I be a good mother, will I enjoy being a mother... so many things because of this little baby growing inside of me. I didn't want to tell people right away that we were expecting because I was scared. They say that miscarriages usually happen in the first 3 months. We waited until after Thanksgiving to tell our families which was about 2 months. Then announced it at about 3 months after we got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby for the first time! Its still not totally sinking in for me. I look at other people that are posting pics of their bellies and I feel like mine isn't showing much. Someone says they feel flutters and I think why am I not feeling flutters. I know that every pregnancy is different but I am just waiting for this babies arrival... I guess I am a bit impatient!! :) So I am anxious for our appointment on next Wednesday... which is in a week... I am ready to see this baby again and hear more about the baby!!
I constantly worry about my baby. Especially with all my extra tests and doctors visits..I was constantly asking my friends for the first 2 trimesters things..Like "when did you feel your baby?", or if something was normal.. So I know what you mean. Can't wait to find out what you're having. Once you start buying things for baby it becomes a little more real. And i think I was about 19 weeks when I felt the baby move, it kind of felt like a gas bubble.. :)
ReplyDeleteYou will be a GREAT mother! YOU are the best mommy this baby could ask for because it's yours. :) You will enjoy being a mommy, you'll just be very tired at first. Also, I'm always here if you want to ask any type of questions. I love you!
ReplyDeleteYeah I have been questioning it the whole time! Armond thinks that I am weird lol. I just worry too much. I am just starting to really show so I think its going to start sinking in more. Thanks Kenda... I hope that I am a good mommy... at least I will try my hardest!!